ya da, yağmur, sigur ros ve hasret.
"ox tail soup
2 ox tails
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
4 tomatoes
1/4 kilo string beans
2 potatoes
4 chiles moritas
The cut up ox tails are placed in a pan to cook with a chunk of onion, garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. It's advisable to add a little more water that you normally would, since you are making a soup. A good soup that's worth something has to be soupy without getting watery.
Soups can cure any illness, whether pyhsical or mental--at least, that was Chencha's firm belief, and Tita's too, although she hadn't given sufficient credit to it for quite some time.
Ox-tail soup! She couldn't believe it. And behind John, in came Chencha, covered in tears. The embrace they exchanged was brief, because they didn't want the soup to get cold. With the first sip, Nacha appeared there at her side, stroking her hair as she ate, as she had done when she was little and sick, kissing her forehead over and over. There were all the times with Nacha, the childhood games in the kitchen, the trips to the market, the still-warm tortillas, the colored apricot pits, the Christmas rolls, the smells of boiled milk, bread with cream, chocolate atole, cumin, garlic, onion. As always, throughout her life, with a whiff of onion, the tears began. She cried as she hadn't cried since the day she was born. How good it was to have a long talk with Nacha. Just like old times, when Nacha was still alive, and they had so often made ox-tail soup together. Chencha and Tita laughed reliving those moments, and they cried remembering the steps of the recipe. At last Tita had been able to remember a recipe, once she had remembered the first step, chopping the onion.
The onion and the garlic are chopped very fine and placed in a little oil to fry; as soon as they become transparent, the potatoes, beans and chopped tomatoes are stirred in until the flavors meld.
John interrupted these memories by bursting into the room, alarmed by the stream that was running down the stairs.
When he realized it was just Tita's tears, John blessed Chencha and her ox-tail soup for having accomplished what none of his medicines had been able to do--making Tita weep. ..."
Like Water for Chocolate, Esquivel.
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